SINGLE GIRLS GUIDE TOWe the single girls of above a certain age face a very real pressure, whether spoken or not, to be married. Sometimes this societal pressure, fact that you are alone and the media’s reflection of a happy relationship gets to us. Making us feel LONELY.

Loneliness is not being alone. One can be lonely even in midst of others; loneliness is the feeling of emptiness and sadness, the feeling of abandonment, the feeling of having no one and the fear of being left out.

Last night I felt that deep loneliness and decided to write about managing it. Here are some tips that have worked for me and may work for you.

  1. Call someone you love: It could be your mother, grandmother or your best friend. It could be your little niece who will make you smile with her childish chatter. Just talking with someone you love will give you that momentary escape you badly need at that moment.
  2. Cry: There’s something healing about shedding the tears. Let the flow and take away your pain as they go.
  3. Drink: When I say drink I don’t mean a hard drink as it can cause you to feel more depressed but a glass of wine or a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate will help you to feel calmer.
  4. Sleep: There nothing that can beat a good night’s sleep to refresh you and to give you the mental strength to fight the feeling of loneliness , trust me and try it.
  5. Exercise. If you are lonely, take up a new sport or exercise. An hour of running or swimming or dancing will release the endorphins that will replace the sadness with joy.
  6. Take up a hobby: For me blogging has been the answer, it helps me to express myself anonymously. Do something you will enjoy and it may help you connect with new people and who knows one of them may be your soul mate?
  7. Work on yourself: Read, exercise, go for a massage or visit the parlour. The fact that you are working on yourself will boost your confidence and will make you look and feel more attractive.

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